The Road to Ballybay

“Is this the road to Ballybay?”
Sez I to Miss Magee;
“You’re leavin’ it behind you”
Sez Maryanne to me.

So I turned and walked beside her,
And ‘tis only fair to say
It was very pleasant walkin’
On the road to Ballybay.

Ballybay, Ballybay,
‘Twas a dark and winthry day,
But the sun was surely shinin’
On the road to Ballybay.

“Is this the road to fame and wealth?”
Sez I to Miss Magee;
“Ye’ve got the brains, ye’ve got the health,”
“But still want a comrade
To praise me an’ to blame,
An’ keep me from the traps hat’s laid
Upon the road to fame.”

Ballybay, Ballybay,
No man could go asthray
With a guide like her beside him
On the road to Ballybay.

“Is this the road to Paradise?”
Sez I to Miss Magee;
I’m thinkin’ that it might be,”
Sez Maryanne to me.

Oh, I saw the love-light leppin’
In a pair of roguish eyes,
An’ I knew we two were steppin’
on the road to Paradise.

Ballybay, Ballybay,
The birds are far away;
But our hearts they sang together
On the road to Ballybay.

By kind permission of the Editor of The Lady of the House.

Prose, Poems & Parodies of Percy French, 1980, Helicon Limited, Dublin.

Last year's Festival:


Early Booking Special Offer

Each whole day covers:

  • Three / Four Lectures
  • Afternoon Recital
  • Tea / Coffee / Homemade Cakes
  • Wednesday €50
  • Thursday¹ €65
  • Friday €50
  • Students €19

¹ Thursday 18th July: Strictly Ticket Holders only, Closing date Friday 12th July. Tickets not available on that day.

Don’t miss out, Festival tickets sell out quickly!

Ticket Office:

  • +353 (0)90 666 3794

Or book tickets online:

* Required

Last year's Festival:

The 16th Percy French Festival

Our Great Disconnect

17th, 18th, 19th July 2024

At Castlecoote House

The Percy French Festival 2024 acknowledges the major support of Excel Industries; Whyte’s; CastleAcre; C&F Quadrant Ltd; Davies Group; Hidden Ireland.

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