Page 28 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
P. 28

Paul healy                              Percy french

                                Castleacre is delighted to support

                                the Percy French Festival                                       Paul grew up in Rooskey, Co. Roscommon.   French, the son of an Anglo-Irish landlord,
                                                                                                Having previously worked for the Longford   was born in Cloonyquin, Co. Roscom mon.

                                                                                                Leader and Longford News, he spent sixteen   While study ing at Trinity College Dublin,
                                                                                                years as Editor of the Roscommon Champion,   he wrote the song Abdul Abulbul Amir which
                                                                                                before launching the Roscommon People   became hugely pop u lar; he missed out on

                                                                                                with his wife, Fiona, in 2007. Paul is Manag-  royalties having sold the publishing rights.
                                                                                                ing Editor of the Roscommon People. For   In 1881, on grad ua ting as a civil engineer
                                                                                                many years he edited the Roscommon Asso-  he became ‘Inspector of Drains’  for County
                                                                                                ciation Yearbook. He is author of five books   Cavan’s Board of Works. A prolific painter of
                                                                                                to date, on subjects ranging from sport to   water col our land scapes, he consid ered art
                                                                                                politics to social history, and also an occa-  to be his voc a tion. He first became cele-
                                                                                                sional contributor to Phoenix magazine.  brated for his songwiting, including Phil the
                                                                                                                                        Fluther’s Ball, Slattery’s Mounted Foot, and
                                                                                                                                        lyrics of The Moun tains of Mourne. His song
                                                                                                                                        Are Ye Right There Michael? ridiculed the
                                                                                                                                        County Clare Rail way company which sued
                                                 e for Country Estates,
                                 Arranging insuranceinsurance

                                                                                                                                        him for libel. On being asked why he had

                                 Protected Structure s,  Her itage Homes,, Hotels,                                                      arrived late for the hear ing, French replied

                                                                                                                                        ‘Your honour, I traveled by the West Clare
                                 Fine Ar t,  Jewellery a and High Va                                                                    Rail way’. The case was dismissed. As a well-
                                                          Value Contents

                                                                                                                                        known enter tainer his paintings became
                                                                                                                                        sought after; they remain so today, attract-
                                                                                                                                        ing high prices at leading auction houses.

                                 Mark Hewlett APA   + 353 (0) 86 022 7799

                                                                                                                                        In 1920, in Glasgow, while performing, he
                                 markhewlett@castleac                                                                   took ill and died some days later. He was 65.

                                 Judy   R yan APPAA +353 (0)   85   27 7   62 4 8
                                 Judy Ryan AP
                                                  (0) 85 277 6248
                                 Castleacre Insurance Services Europe is registered in Ireland No 633539 under Castleacre Insurance
                                 (Ireland) Services Limited  and is regulat ted by the Central Bank of Ireland as an insurance intermediary.
            NO ORDINAR     Y INSURANCE         N O  ORDINAR    Y BR OKE  R                            OUR GREAT DISCONNEC T
                                                                                                •27•  PERCY FRENCH FESTIVAL 2024
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