Page 25 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
P. 25

DR kevin Kiely  pearse oshiel  Dr Pádraig Lenihan  louise lennon

 Kevin, born in County Down, who holds    Pearse is chairman of Lifeways Ireland    Before becoming an academic Pádraig   Louise is Policy and Com u ni cations Officer
 a PhD in modernist and postmodernist   CLG the charity that achieved state   served in the army for 14 years, retiring    of Irish Rural Links, a national network of
 poetry, is a poet, a novelist, a literary critic,   recog ni tion for the Steiner schools in   at the rank of captain. He was a lecturer    organisations and individuals campaig n -
 an American Fulbright Scholar. He is also    Clare and Galway. He teaches in the areas   in history at the University of Galway until   ing for sustainable rural development
 a commentator on poetry, literature, and   of the philosophy of education with   earlier this year. The study of European   in Ireland and Europe. She represents IRL
 the arts in Village Magazine, The Irish Inde -  particular emphasis on Goethe’s radical   warfare in the period 1641–1715 forms   at Community & Volun tary (C&V) Pillar
 pen dent, Books Ireland, The Journal of the    epistemol ogy. He has worked over the   the backbone of his  research and writing   Bilateral meetings with various Govern -
 E. E. Cummings Society, The Inter na tional   past 35 years to support the establish -  career. This study includes weaponry,   ment Departments and is the secretariat
 Wallace Stevens Journal, and other publi -  ment of alter native schools at kinder -  tactics, and manoeuvre (the ‘sharp end’    for the C&V Pillar Health Linkage Group.
 ca tions. His many works include Quintesse   garten, primary, and secondary levels.    of warfare) alongside such societal quest -  She is the C&V Pillar representative on the
 (St Martin’s Press, New York, 1985) and   He maintains a research interest that   ions as state-building, recruitment, logis -  Public Participation Network National
 Breakfast with Sylvia (Lagan Press, Belfast,   seeks to expose the assumptions that   tics, disease, strategy and cultural issues   Advisory Group. She represents IRL on the
 2015) for which he was awarded the   underpin the scien tific and tech nolog  ical   such as memorialization and represen -  Implementation Group of Our Rural Future,
 Patrick Kavanagh Fellowship in Poetry.   culture and mode of thought that has   tation. His many military history publica -  Ireland’s Rural Development Policy, the
 engulfed our lives with a view to explor -  tions include Confederate Catholics at war,   Euro pean Rural Parliament, and Coalition
 ing other ways of coming to know the   1641–1649 (2001) and 1690 Battle of the   2030, and supports the co-ordinator of the
 world. Pearse is also chair man of Cooper -  Boyne (2003). He also wrote Consolidating   European Rural Communities Alliance.
 ative Housing Ireland and a found ing   conquest: Ireland 1603–1727 (2008) a sur -  She is the IRL alternate for the Common

 member of Inis Housing Associ ation.   vey of Irish history, and The Last Cavalier:   Agri cultural Policy Strategic Plan Monitor -
 Currently he is pre par ing a series of on line   Richard Talbot (1631–91) (2014) a biog -  ing Committee, PEACE IV, and Interreg
 videos aiming to make his research   raphy of a pivotal and controversial figure.   VA monitoring committees. Louise has
 access ible to a general audience.   In 2018 he co-edited Poema De Hibernia:    also worked on a number of EU Funded
            A Jacobite Latin Epic on the Williamite Wars   projects IRL has partnered on: RUBIZMO,
            which the editors believe to have been   SustainIT, and NICHE.
            composed by Thomas Nugent of Pallas
            County Galway.

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