Page 23 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
P. 23

dr michael hardiman  DR Eve watson  DR pauric travers  james bradshaw

 Michael holds a PhD in philosophy from   Eve has been involved in psychotherapy   Pauric is an educationalist and historian.    James is a writer who frequently con-
 NUIG. A native of Athlone where he was   practice, training, education, and research   A graduate of UCD and the Australian   tributes to religious and secular publica-
 born into a business. He attended Univer -  since 2005 and lectures in psychoanalysis   National University,  has lectured widely    tions including Position Papers, Alive, and
 sity in Galway, and post graduate training   and psychotherapy at undergraduate and   in Europe, the USA, and Australia. He was   Mercator, where he writes on topics such
 in Counselling Psy chology at University   postgraduate levels. She has a psychoana -  President of St Patrick’s College, Drumcon-  as politics, history, literature, culture, film
 College Cork. He has written several books   lytic practice in Dublin’s city centre, and   dra (1999–2012) and was a founding direc -  and culture. His professional background
 in the genre of psy chology/personal   has published over 30 essays on sexuality,   tor of the Centre for Cross Border Stud ies    spans the worlds of politics, public policy
 devel opment and was elected Fellow of   psychoanalysis, film, culture, and literature.   in Armagh. He served two terms as chair    and corporate communications. A fre-

 the Irish Institute of Train ing and Develo -  She has held various journal editorship   of the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland,    quent speaker at the Clare Street Evenings
 pment. For several years he served on the   roles, and sits on editorial boards of sev -  a member of the Teaching Council, and    cultural series in Dublin, his work on soci-
 national executive of the Irish Association   eral international journals. She co-edited   the board of the CAO. He is chairman of the   etal issues has appeared in leading outlets
 of Addiction Coun sel ling. In addition to his   the Clinical Encounters in Sexuality (2017,   Parnell Society and the first director of the   such as The Irish Independent, The Sunday
 work in the field of Psychology he has   Punc tum Books, New York) and she has   Parnell Sum mer School. A former editor of   Independent and The European Conserva-
 more recently engaged with formal train -  two forthcoming book collections in 2024,   Studia Hibernica (the Irish studies journal)   tive. In 2023, he edited the special obitu-
 ing in political philosophy receiving both   one on the drive and the other on the   he has served on editorial boards of other   ary edition of Aid to the Church in Need’s
 Master’s and Doctorate degrees in this   contemporary relevance of Freud’s major   scholarly journ als. He was a member of the   Mirror publication which was focused on
 field. His recent book The Path to Mass Evil:   case studies. She is a Reg. Pract. member   Universities Ireland Historians Group on the   the life and legacy of Pope Benedict XVI.
 Hannah Arendt and Totalitarianism Today,   of APPI (Association for Psycho ana lysis   Decade of Commemorations. His most   One of his key research interests in recent
 (2023, Routledge, New York) is currently   and Psychotherapy in Ireland), a member   recent book is Donegal: the Irish Revolution   times has been the issue of community;
 avail able within the academy worldwide   of ICP (Irish Council for Psycho therapy,   1912–23 (2022) and he contrib u ted the   on June 14th, he will deliver a lecture on
 and his new book, Misled? How Ideology   and an honorary member of Lacan   Donegal entries on the UCC/RTE website   the work of the prominent Irish communi-
 Captures Your Mind, is now avail able to   Toronto and the Northern Ireland Institute   The Irish Civil War Fatalities Project, launched   tarian and philosopher Desmond Fennell,
 general read ership. Michael lives in Galway   of Human Relations). In 2022, she was the   this year. Other publications are: Irish Cul-  during a seminar on Fennell’s life and
 where he works as a psychologist and   Erik Erikson Scholar-in-Residence at the   ture and Nationalism 1750–1950 (1982);    legacy which is taking place in Dublin.
 edu cator with a private counselling prac -  Austen Riggs Centre, Massachusetts.    Settlements and Divi sions: Ireland 1870–1922
 tice. He also pre sents seminars and work -  She is the course director of the Freud   (1988); The Irish Emigrant Experience in Aus-
 shops nation wide to family centres and    Lacan institute, Dublin which organises   tralia (1991); Eamon de Valera (1994); The Ivy
 to adult educa tion services.   seminars and training programs.   Leaf: the Parnells Remembered (2007); Words
           of the Dead Chief–Charles Stewart Parnell
           (2009); Parnell Reconsidered (2013).

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