Page 26 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
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nell smyth                          don baker                                        ciara lawless                       Michael Banahan

           Nell is co-director of SWIM (Steiner CPD   Dublin born Don is an blues musician,     Ciara, who hails from Roscommon,    From an early age Michael, a Roscommon
           & Teacher Training; Steiner Waldorf inár   a singer-songwriter, a television person -  is a mature song-writer with a powerful   native, has been singing and collecting
           measc; and Steiner Waldorf) along with   ality and an actor. He plays guitar and     voice. She delves into themes of recon-  songs. With many years involvement in the
           Caroline Kelly and Audrey Flynn. They   har mon ica–Mark Feltham (Oasis, Joe         necting with the inner-child, healing, and   music business he has released a number
           have deep backgrounds in Steiner/   Cocker, and Rory Gallagher) rates him as         self-discovery. With a successful run on   of critically acclaimed albums: three solo;

           Wal dorf Kindergarten, Primary, and   the great est acoustic harmonica player in     the festival circuit she has honed her   one with Irish folk duo The Baileys; and five

           Secondary school training and teaching   the world, as do Charlie McCoy and Bono.    stage presence (with hints of Kate Bush   with the internationally renowned folk
           experience. They have been involved in   He has appeared in several films, notably   and Florence and The Machine). Ciara   group Rig the Jig of which he was a found -
           National Associations, long established   in In the Name of the Father, On the Nose,   began her music journey with lessens    ing member. Michael has a passion for
           schools, pioneering schools, and in set -  and Mia, Liebe meines Lebens.             at a young age and later trained at the   writ ing story songs. He is the founder

           ting up The Alfa Project (Alfa Steiner                                               Academy of Music in Tullamore and com-  of GoodWood Music, a record label set
                                               ‘You can hear Don’s hand on the guitar,
           Secondary School). Nell is the author                                                peted in national and international com-  up to support original Irish talent from all
                                               the feeling coming from his voice. He’s
           of many plays (some which are featured                                               petitions. Following three singles her   genres of music. The label releases records
                                               a brilliant performer and what a great
           in the National Youth Theatre’s Playshare                                            debut album, Paint My Soul, was released   world wide through partner ships devel -
           scheme) and the books The Breathing                                                  on Human Angel Records April this year.  oped in the UK and the USA.
                                               Finbar Furey, The Irish Times.

           Circle and Drama at the Heart: teaching
                                               ‘A world class musician, a talented actor                                            His solo albums include:
           drama in Steiner Waldorf Schools. She
                                               and a sound bloke!’                                                                  Tecumseh Valley, 2014
           has taught both in America and Ireland
                                               Ken Sweeney, Show Business Editor,                                                   Liften’ of the Latch, 2014
           as a teacher and trainer. Caroline, who
                                               The Irish Sun.
           was a founder of ALFA and a direc tor
           of Waldorf College, Stroud, in the UK,   ‘You can hear the gritty emotion in his
           continues to teach.                 playing, it isn’t phoned in, it is felt,
                                               Barry Egan, Sunday Independent.

                                               His albums include:
                                               Almost Illegal (1989)
                                               Miss You (2000)
                                               Duckin’ & Divin’ (2003)
                                               Rain on the Wind (2006)
                                               My Songs, My Friends (2013)
           •24•              OUR GREAT DISCONNEC T   •   PERCY FRENCH FESTIVAL 2024             SPEAKERS  +  PERFORMER S  •   PERCY FRENCH FESTIVAL 2024      •25•
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