Page 6 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
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audience, which can best be summed up as Ireland’s ‘polite soci ety’: the upper                                        Letter’ by the famous society columnist,
           middle classes and the landed class. Unfortunately we don’t know the circulation                                       Nannie Lambert Power O’Donoghue,
           figures for The Jarvey, but it seems that it struggled to gain a wide readership.                                      from October 1889 to February 1890,
           According to French, ‘We started with no capital whatso ever, and the idea was to                                      and ‘Chit Chatters’ by Ettie French from
           pay the artists and writers out of the profits of the first month. At the end of the first                             March 1890 onwards.  The ladies’ co -
           month there were no profits, at the end of the second month there were no writers                                      lumn did not complement the rest
           or artists–except my very great friends, Dick Orpen and Eddy Radcliffe’.  Two years                                    of The Jarvey very well, as it rarely had
           after The Jarvey ceased publi cation, French explained why he thought the news paper                                   any hum orous content but focused
           failed: these inclu ded the title itself, which he felt ‘was not a good one’, and he also                              instead on gossipy accounts of atten -
           stated that ‘we had barriers of preju dice to beat down’. He felt that a comic paper in                                dees at balls, soirées, race meetings,
           Dublin was doomed to fail because ‘it is impossible to get it properly pushed. Local                                   the theatre and various high-society
           shopkeepers much prefer induc ing their customers to buy a London publication’.                                        get-togethers, mostly in Dublin. Ettie
                                                                                                                                  French’s column was enlivened some -
           Nevertheless, French made a game effort                                                                                what by the inclu sion of numerous
           to not only keep The Jarvey afloat but also                                                                            sketches that she herself had drawn,
           to popularise it. This included run ning                                                                               but apart from this the contents of her

           sev eral prize competitions for readers,                                                                               column differed little from those of her
           with win ners receiving 10s. for the best joke                                                                         predecessors.
           or best humorous pen and ink sketch sub -

           mit ted. The longest-run ning contest was a                                                                            The newspaper’s price was lowered
           weekly picture con un drum compe ti tion, in                                                                           from 2d. to 1d. on 2nd February 1889.
           which readers had to correctly guess the                                                                               French announced that ‘The Jarvey
           caption which summed up each draw ing’s                                                                                finds his yoke so well patronised by the
           con tents.  In another comp e ti tion readers                                                                          general public, and himself becoming
           could nomin ate whom they consid ered to                                                                               so great a favourite with all classes,
           be the five best-looking women in Ireland.                                                                             creeds, and cliques, that his Fare from
           The most popular choice, Miss Armytage-                                                                                this date will be the EVER-POPULAR
           Moore, was either Priscilla Cecilia, the future                                                                        PENNY’. This is not very convincing:
           Countess of Annesley, or her sister, Ethel                                                                             if The Jarvey had been as popular
           Kathleen (Ettie), whom Percy French mar -                                                                              as French claimed, there would have
           ried in June 1890. A happy coin cidence                                                                                been no need to halve its price in this
           or possible ‘fix’: it’s impossible to say!                                                                             manner. The much-publicised opening
                                                                                                                                  of a kiosk on South Great George’s
           To try to further broaden the newspaper’s                                                                              Street in August 1889 should also be
           appeal French also started a ladies’ column                                                                            seen as a sign that the newspaper was
           on 26th January 1889. The first of these,                                                                              struggling to attract sufficient custom
           unimag inatively headed ‘The Ladies’                                                                                   from Dubliners, probably due to the
           Column’, was run by ‘Mary Maguire’. Later                                            previously mentioned reluctance of shop keepers in the capital to stock it. (Illus. 2)
           versions had different titles and were run                                           A series of publicity concerts by The Jarvey staff and others was probably the most
           by differ ent writers, includ ing ‘Our Ladies’                                       innovative attempt to boost sales which French devised. (Illus. 3) French’s troupe
                                                                                                –which mainly consisted of French himself, Edward Radcliff (sometimes using the
           above Illus. 2.   The Jarvey kiosk on South George’s Street, Dublin.  Advertisement in The Jarvey, 7th September 1889.   stage name of ‘Mr Raymond, the topical songster’), Richard Orpen ‘the Lightning
                              facing Illus. 2.  Advertisement for a Jarvey Concert to be in held Cork in May 1889.  Limner’ and ‘Professor Leozedt, the marvellous London Prestidigitateur’–performed

     •4•                                       THE P ERCY FRENCH FESTIVAL 2024                  OUR GREAT DISCON N EC T                                              •5•
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