Page 17 - The 16th Percy French Festival: Our Great Disconnect
P. 17

Irish Historic                                                                 THE PERCY FRENCH FESTIVAL 2024
 Houses Association
                JULY 18 TH        THURSDAY

 Ireland’s remaining historic houses are evidence

 of our cultural and historical relationship with
 the rest of Europe. With their estates, gardens,

 demesnes, and parks they have long had (and   Dr Michael Hardiman
 continue to occupy) a central position in the   10.00 AM
 economic and social life of the communities       The Postmodern Condition and the end of Intimacy
 in which they were built.
             10.45 AM   Dr Eve Watson
 The preservation of this part of Ireland’s cultural   Sexuality, Identity and its Discontents in Contemporary Ireland
 heritage is of national importance. This has been
 recognised by successive governments which have   tea/coffee
             11.30 AM
 enacted legislation to help safeguard our historic
 houses for current and future generations and    James Bradshaw
             12.00 PM
 in the public interest.
                        The Human Person and Community
        Heritage properties remaining in private hands   keynote addresss
             have unique value, especially those owned   12.45 PM
                  by the same family over generations.    Former Taoisach Bertie Ahern
                         With artefacts and archives, many    Towards a vision for a New Ireland in the current landscape
                             encapsulate local history and
                            preserve valuable long standing   lunch
                        relationships with local communities       1.30 PM
                       and if houses are sold and contents    afternoon recital
                      dispersed, as alas has frequently been    Don Baker
        the case, their cultural, historical, and social value    2.45 PM
      is irreversibly reduced.      Eileen Óg reworked

 The HHI aims to promote and foster the immediate    3.30 PM  gardens open
 and long-term future of Irish privately owned historic         questions & answers to follow each talk
 properties. For further information on our members
 and activities please see

                                 Nine nights of top-class amateur drama
                     Roscommon Annual Drama Festival 2025
                       Roscommon Arts Centre Friday 7th–Saturday  15th March
                                      for further information and online booking visit

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